Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Colosseum and the Roman Forum

We took a free guided tour to the colosseum with our St. Johns classmates. All around it was pretty amazing. I have had a picture of the colosseum as my computer desktop background for well over a year, and it was great to finally see the inside in person.

Our tour guide described in detail how intricate the decoration of the colosseum was. At one point every hallway was painted with extremely vibrant colors. Each statue was not the plain white marble, but covered in flesh colored paint with clothing, eye colors, hair, and other human like features. Apparently all events at the colosseum is free to the public, you just had to register in advance. Interestingly enough there was a tailgate like experience before the games were held, and it made me realize how similar we are to over 2000 years ago, no matter how much we like to think we have changed.

The last remaining original marble steps. At one point every surface was covered with these marble seats

Latin tablet

One of the last remaining fresoes

A replica of the original drainage gutters that used to surround the colosseum

The forum was an experience as well. Most of the forum has been excavated over the course of the last century. Much of the monuments are a hodgepodge collection from multiple eras.

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